• You can Sign up as a member ... remember there is no membership fee or monetary contribution required. However, we do require your views, comments, ideas and suggestions ... the whole concept is dependant on people like us taking the effort to do something constructive.
  • You can keep us informed about people, places, events and facts which you feel should be included in the respective sections. Remember that this site is being maintained by a small group of people ... normal people like you and me who have a family to care for, a job to go to, and TV programmes to be watched !
  • You can let us know about specific problems that your locality is facing. The same will be included in the Discussion Forum if considered appropriate.
  • You can provide important solutions to problems others are facing, and let us know how to implement solutions also. As all of you are aware, in India the implementation of a solution depends largely on whom you approach with the solution !!
  • You can give us ideas on how to improve this site ... and what more we need to do to attain our objectives.

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